
It�s snowing like a mother here. Plymouth itself is mostly a rain event because it�s so close to the warmer waters of the ocean but move one town in any westerly or northerly direction and you�re buried. I was going to use it as an excuse to stay home today but I went in anyways, being the new guy and all, only to find that my boss and everyone else but a guy who lives within walking distance are out.

This is particularly galling because Fred is working from home today. That means that I cleared his car windows of slush so he could go out and get his coffee and then cleared mine so I could drive to work as he waved goodbye to me. This is of course after I explained how to heat the house and light it during a power failure, because around here it�s not if, but when, especially with 50 mph winds. So he�ll be snug as a bug while I brace the elements.

One of the joys of driving in the snow are rolling snow plow blockades. I understand that they cascade the snow from one plow to another until it�s off the side of the road but jeepers crow do you have to run a blockade for THIRTY MILES??? I had to travel 22 miles to work at 25 miles per hour. I�m sure you can do the math and my commute wasn�t my ordinary 15 to 20 minutes.

Oh Yeah! That brings me to my last little tidbit. The industrial park where I work apparently doesn�t arrange for any plowing so it�s about 4 inches already out there. I slid into place to park and I�m not sure I�m getting out. I�m going to start carrying some kitty liter in the trunk for traction on days like this.

On to better things. The Patriots won YEAH! SEVENTEEN in a row and it looks like we will be facing the San Diego Chargers next week which I�m pretty happy about because truthfully I think the Colts are a better team and they were hurt the last time we played them and they aren�t now so I�m pretty happy the Chargers eliminated them for us.

The same thing happened with the NY Giants because even a good fan, Fred, told me that it�s a good thing for us because the Cowboys can actually play football if they put their mind to it.

This doesn�t mean that the winners are pansies but I think they�ll be easier.

Let�s hope so! Go Pats!

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