
It's Done!!

And it's beautiful! What's striking about this window, and it really doesn't show here, is that it not only is 5 feet wide but it's 3 and a half feet tall and two feet deep. It's a BIG window. Here are some pictures as the installers finished putting it in.


Outside My house


Inside My house

The Trim Work Being Done:

Trim Work

I walked into the house last night and I couldn't believe how huge it was. If it was any bigger it would have dominated the room too much. This size is perfect and will look great when the new cabinets go in.

I'll take pictures as the walls, ceilings and cabinets come down and then up. Fred has turned out to be amazingly handy for a computer geek.

And while I'm at it a big Happy Birthday to Kathy!! Enjoy the last of this decade because after that you join the rest of us old broads.

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